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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adverb - on that; "text and commentary thereon"
  1. noun - Indian nun and missionary in the Roman Catholic Church (born of Albanian parents in what is now Macedonia); dedicated to helping the poor in India (1910-1997)
  1. adverb - to that; "with all the appurtenances fitting thereto"
  1. - Theriac.
  1. - Springs or baths of warm or hot water.
  1. adjective - caused by or designed to retain heat; "a thermal burn"; "thermal underwear"
  2. of or relating to a hot spring; "thermal water"
  3. relating to or associated with heat; "thermal movements of molecules"; "thermal capacity"; "thermic energy"; "the caloric effect of sunlight"
  4. rising current of warm air
  1. noun - a thermometer that uses thermoelectric current to measure temperature
  1. adjective - relating to or associated with heat; "thermal movements of molecules"; "thermal capacity"; "thermic energy"; "the caloric effect of sunlight"
  1. unknown - a brand of thermite, which is a mixture of finely-divided metallic aluminum and ferric oxide that when ignited produces extremely high temperatures as the result of the union of the aluminum with the oxygen of the oxide: used in welding, incendiary bombs
  1. - A combining form from Gr. qe`rmh heat, qermo`s hot, warm; as in thermochemistry, thermodynamic.