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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A small California surf fish (Micrometrus aggregatus); -- called also shiner.
  1. - To scatter; to disperse; to rout.
  1. adverb - in a spare manner; "William held me longest with his recent bronzes sparely arranged at Waddington's galleries"
  1. noun - someone who refrains from injuring or destroying
  1. unknown - Superlative form of "spare" having the least excess fat; thin. "The sparest, bearded figure"
  1. verb - agitate by introducing air or compressed gas; "sparge the water"
  2. scatter with liquid; wet lightly; "Sprinkle the lawn"
  1. - A vessel with a perforated cover, for sprinkling with a liquid; a sprinkler.
  1. noun - agitate by introducing air or compressed gas; "sparge the water"
  2. scatter with liquid; wet lightly; "Sprinkle the lawn"
  3. the act of sprinkling or splashing water; "baptized with a sprinkling of holy water"; "a sparge of warm water over the malt"
  1. noun - spiny-finned food fishes of warm waters having well-developed teeth
  1. verb - avoiding waste; "an economical meal"; "an economical shopper"; "a frugal farmer"; "a frugal lunch"; "a sparing father and a spending son"; "sparing in their use of heat and light"; "stinting in bestowing gifts"; "thrifty because they remember the great Depression"; "`scotch' is used only informally"
  2. give up what is not strictly needed; "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey"
  3. refrain from harming
  4. save or relieve from an experience or action; "I'll spare you from having to apologize formally"
  5. use frugally or carefully