Matching Words
26427 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- adjective - congealed into jelly; solidified by cooling; "in Georgia they serve congealed salads"
- make into jelly; "jellify a liquid"
- noun - a preserve made of the jelled juice of fruit
- an edible jelly (sweet or pungent) made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods
- any substance having the consistency of jelly or gelatin
- make into jelly; "jellify a liquid"
- verb - become jelly; "The sauce jellified"
- make into jelly; "jellify a liquid"
- verb - become gelatinous; "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"
- - The chief or leader of a band or body of persons; esp., in the native army of India, an officer of a rank corresponding to that of lieutenant in the English army.
- unknown - (UK) past tense of jemmy. The burgler jemmied the window open.
- noun - a short crowbar; "in Britain they call a jimmy and jemmy"
- - A name of contempt for a flatterer of persons high in social or official life; as, the Jenkins employed by a newspaper.
- noun - female donkey
- United States architect who designed the first skyscraper in which a metal skeleton was used (1832-1907)