Matching Words
26427 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A combining form signifying other, other than usual, different; as, heteroclite, heterodox, heterogamous.
Hew Out
- verb - make or shape as with an axe; "hew out a path in the rock"
- - The European green woodpecker. See Yaffle.
Hex Nut
- noun - a nut with a hexagonal shape
- - Having six atoms or radicals capable of being replaced by acids; hexatomic; hexavalent; -- said of bases; as, mannite is a hexacid base.
- noun - a six-sided polygon
- noun - a colorless flammable liquid alkane derived from petroleum and used as a solvent
- - A collection of the Holy Scriptures in six languages or six versions in parallel columns; particularly, the edition of the Old Testament published by Origen, in the 3d century.