Matching Words
26427 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- adverb - in a heavy-footed manner; "he walked heavily up the three flights to his room"
- in a labored manner; "he breathed heavily"
- in a manner designed for heavy duty; "a heavily constructed car"; "heavily armed"
- indulging excessively; "he drank heavily"
- slowly as if burdened by much weight; "time hung heavy on their hands"
- to a considerable degree; "he relied heavily on others' data"
- with great force; "she hit her arm heavily against the wall"
- verb - an upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling); "the heaving of waves on a rough sea"
- bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat; "The highway buckled during the heat wave"
- breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily"
- breathing heavily (as after exertion)
- lift or elevate
- make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit
- move or cause to move in a specified way, direction, or position; "The vessel hove into sight"
- rise and move, as in waves or billows; "The army surged forward"
- the act of lifting something with great effort
- throw with great effort
- throwing something heavy (with great effort); "he gave it a mighty heave"; "he was not good at heaving passes"
- utter a sound, as with obvious effort; "She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do"
- adjective - of or relating to or characteristic of the Hebrews; "the old Hebrew prophets"
- of or relating to the language of the Hebrews; "Hebrew vowels"
- noun - a New Testament book traditionally included among the epistle of Saint Paul but now generally considered not to have been written by him
- the ethnic group claiming descent from Abraham and Isaac (especially from Isaac's son Jacob); the nation whom God chose to receive his revelation and with whom God chose to make a covenant (Exodus 19)
- verb - challenge aggressively
- comb with a heckle; "heckle hemp or flax"
- noun - someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections
- noun - a comb for separating flax fibers
- challenge aggressively
- comb with a heckle; "heckle hemp or flax"
- noun - (abbreviated `ha') a unit of surface area equal to 100 ares (or 10,000 square meters)
- verb - be bossy towards; "Her big brother always bullied her when she was young"