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2618 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - any of various North American plants of the genus Liatris having racemes or panicles of small discoid flower heads
  1. noun - a family of earthstar fungi belonging to the order Lycoperdales
  1. noun - a faint spot of light in the night sky that appears directly opposite the position of the sun; a reflection of sunlight by micrometeoric material in space
  1. - The condition or quality of being general; frequency; commonness.
  1. - A metal plate covering the knee.
  1. noun - elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression
  1. noun - the state of being genuine
  2. undisputed credibility
Genus Areca
  1. noun - a monocotyledonous genus of palm trees
Genus Avena
  1. noun - oats
Genus Irena
  1. noun - type genus of the Irenidae: fairy bluebirds