Matching Words
2618 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A military adventurer of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, who sold his services, and those of his followers, to any party in any contest.
- noun - a wildflower of the genus Ratibida
- any of various perennials of the eastern United States having thick rough leaves and long-stalked showy flowers with drooping rays and a conelike center
- any of various plants of the genus Rudbeckia cultivated for their large usually yellow daisies with prominent central cones
- - Without limitation or end; boundless.
- noun - concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"
- the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary); "the restriction of the infection to a focal area"
- the act of restraining of a person's liberty by confining them
- the state of being confined; "he was held in confinement"
- noun - the process of congealing; solidification by (or as if by) freezing
- - State or quality of being conical.
- - Serious injunction; solemn demand or entreaty.
- noun - mostly tropical climbing shrubs or small trees; closely related to Leguminosae