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Matching Words

2618 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Wonder Bean
  1. noun - annual semi-erect bushy plant of tropical South America bearing long pods with white seeds grown especially for forage
Wood Pigeon
  1. noun - Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck
  1. noun - makes decorative wooden panels
  1. noun - cuts down trees and chops wood as a job
  1. noun - bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects
  1. noun - makes things out of wood
  1. verb - have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy
Woolly Bear
  1. noun - caterpillar of numerous moths characterized by a dense coat of woolly hairs; feed on plants and some are destructive pests
  1. - A negro.
  1. noun - a person who sorts wool into different grades