Matching Words
2618 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Strip Alert
- noun - a state of readiness for domestic defense aircraft; "the Air Force will keep fighters on strip alert at bases around the country"
Strip Steak
- noun - steak from upper part of the short loin
- - The quality or state of being stubbed.
Stuffed Egg
- noun - halved hard-cooked egg with the yolk mashed with mayonnaise and seasonings and returned to the white
- noun - smallness of stature
Style Sheet
- noun - a sheet summarizing the editorial conventions to be followed in preparing text for publication
- noun - elegance by virtue of being fashionable
- Fashionable elegance.
- noun - a widely distributed family of shrubs and trees of order Ebenales
- noun - someone who divides parts into smaller parts (especially a divider of land into building sites)
- noun - a disposition to be patient and long suffering
- the property of lights or sounds that lack brilliance or are reduced in intensity