Matching Words
2618 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a particular manner of connectedness; "the relatedness of all living things"
- - The act of releasing, as from confinement or obligation.
- - The act of relieving, or the state of being relieved; relief; release.
- adjective - Awakening memories of something similar; suggestive, similar to.
- serving to bring to mind; "cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note"- Wilder Hobson; "a campaign redolent of machine politics"
- adjective - Relentless
- without mercy or pity; "an act of ruthless ferocity"; "a monster of remorseless cruelty"
- - The state of being renewed.
- noun - a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another
- a person who follows next in order; "he was President Lincoln's successor"
- an event in which one thing is substituted for another; "the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood"
- filling again by supplying what has been used up
- someone who takes the place of another person
- the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another; "replacing the star will not be easy"
- - The state of being replete.