Matching Words
2618 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Mt. Everest
- noun - a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal; the highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)
- noun - found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins
- noun - one who spreads real or alleged scandal about another (usually for political advantage)
- noun - a military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad; "some call the mujahidin international warriors but others just call them terrorists"
- noun - a military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad; "some call the mujahidin international warriors but others just call them terrorists"
- noun - a military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad; "some call the mujahidin international warriors but others just call them terrorists"
- noun - device for intensifying some effect
- the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied
- adjective - able to many things; "multipotent drugs"
- adjective - having many values, meanings, or appeals; "subtle, multivalent allegory"
- having more than one valence, or having a valence of 3 or higher
- used of the association of three or more homologous chromosomes during the first division of meiosis