Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

2618 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Grub Street
  1. noun - the world of literary hacks
  1. - The state of being grumous.
  1. - A female guardian.
  1. - Without reward or guerdon.
Gulf Stream
  1. noun - a warm ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico northward through the Atlantic Ocean
  1. noun - a professional killer who uses a gun
  1. noun - the trait of lacking courage and determination; fearful of loss or injury
  1. - A flying object simulating a pigeon in flight, when projected from a spring trap. It is used as a flying target in shooting matches.
Hadean Aeon
  1. noun - the earliest eon in the history of the Earth from the first accretion of planetary material (around 4,600 million years ago) until the date of the oldest known rocks (about 3,800 million years ago); no evidence of life
  1. - A brownish substance sometimes found in the blood, in cases of jaundice.