Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A red liquid or soft resin extracted from various species of capsicum.
- noun - any of various tropical plants of the genus Capsicum bearing peppers
- chiefly tropical perennial shrubby plants having many-seeded fruits: sweet and hot peppers
- verb - overturn accidentally; "Don't rock the boat or it will capsize!"
- verb - overturn accidentally; "Don't rock the boat or it will capsize!"
- noun - a windlass rotated in a horizontal plane around a vertical axis; used on ships for weighing anchor or raising heavy sails
- noun - a final touch; a crowning achievement; a culmination
- a stone that forms the top of wall or building
- adjective - of or relating to a capsule
- resembling a capsule; "the capsular ligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones"
- verb - enclose in a capsule
- put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume; "capsulize the news"
- noun - a dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e.g. mosses
- a pill in the form of a small rounded gelatinous container with medicine inside
- a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency; then the pilot descends by parachute
- a shortened version of a written work
- a small container
- a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
- a structure that encloses a body part
- enclose in a capsule
- put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume; "capsulize the news"