Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - evergreen tree of West Indies and Central America having edible purple fruit star-shaped in cross section and dark green leaves with golden silky undersides
- noun - a chest to hold ammunition
- a two-wheeled military vehicle carrying artillery ammunition
- an ornamental sunken panel in a ceiling or dome
- large watertight chamber used for construction under water
- noun - a cowardly and despicable person
- noun - flattery intended to persuade
- verb - Coax
- influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering; "He palavered her into going along"
- Wheedles
Cake Mix
- noun - a commercial mix for making a cake
- noun - informal terms for the mouth
- noun - a one-sided contest : an easy victory
- a strutting dance based on a march; was performed in minstrel shows; originated as a competition among Black dancers to win a cake
- an easy accomplishment; "winning the tournament was a cakewalk for him"; "invading Iraq won't be a cakewalk"
- perform the cakewalk dance
- noun - a pipe for smoking; has a curved stem and a large bowl made from a calabash gourd
- bottle made from the dried shell of a bottle gourd
- Old World climbing plant with hard-shelled bottle-shaped gourds as fruits
- round gourd of the calabash tree
- tropical American evergreen that produces large round gourds