Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - any of several plants of the genus Brodiaea having basal grasslike leaves and globose flower heads on leafless stems resembling those of genus Allium
- verb - decorate with needlework
- noun - an oven or part of a stove used for broiling
- flesh of a small young chicken not over 2 1/2 lb suitable for broiling
- verb - be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun; "The town was broiling in the sun"; "the tourists were baking in the heat"
- cook under a broiler; "broil fish"
- cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill)
- heat by a natural force; "The sun broils the valley in the summer"
- - In a broken, interrupted manner; in a broken state; in broken language.