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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - french port
  1. noun - a person whose duty is to throw troublemakers out of a bar or public meeting
  2. Cricket delivery
  1. adjective - elastic; rebounds readily;
  2. marked by lively action; "a bouncing gait"; "bouncy tunes"; "the peppy and interesting talk"; "a spirited dance"
  1. verb - come back after being refused; "the check bounced"
  2. eject from the premises; "The ex-boxer's job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club"
  3. hit something so that it bounces; "bounce a ball"
  4. leap suddenly; "He bounced to his feet"
  5. marked by lively action; "a bouncing gait"; "bouncy tunes"; "the peppy and interesting talk"; "a spirited dance"
  6. move up and down repeatedly
  7. rebounding from an impact (or series of impacts)
  8. refuse to accept and send back; "bounce a check"
  9. spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
  10. vigorously healthy; "a bouncing baby"
Bound Up
  1. adjective - closely or inseparably connected or associated with; "his career is bound up with the fortunes of the enterprise"
  2. deeply devoted to; "bound up in her teaching"; "is wrapped up in his family"
  1. noun - a line determining the limits of an area
  2. the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability"
  3. the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
  1. noun - Cheat
  2. someone who bounds or leaps (as in competition)
  3. someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog"
  1. verb - form the boundary of; be contiguous to
  2. move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?"
  3. place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
  4. spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
  1. adjective - rewarded or able to be rewarded by a bounty; "a bountied animal pelt"
  1. unknown - gifts, premiums, rewards.