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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - Umberto Boccioni (19 October 1882 – 17 August 1916) was an influential Italian painter and sculptor.
  1. noun - herb of China and Japan widely cultivated for its plumelike panicles of creamy white flowers
  2. small Central American tree having loose racemes of purple-tinted green flowers
  1. - A kind of long-winged hawk; -- called also bockerel, and bockeret.
  1. - See Bookland.
Bod Veal
  1. - Veal too immature to be suitable for food.
  1. - An omen; a prognostic.
  1. noun - a lake in southeastern Germany on the northern side of the Swiss Alps; forms part of the Rhine River
  1. adjective - having no trunk or main part; "a bodiless head"
  2. not having a material body; "bodiless ghosts"
  1. - Of or pertaining to Sir Thomas Bodley, or to the celebrated library at Oxford, founded by him in the sixteenth century.
Body Bag
  1. noun - a bag in which the body of a dead soldier is placed