Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - To disclose, or lay open; to unbosom.
- - To remove the breeches of; to divest or strip of breeches.
- - Not made by brewing; unmixed; pure; genuine.
- verb - remove the bridle from (a horse or mule)
- adjective - (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded; "unbroken promises"; "promises kept"
- (of farmland) not plowed; "unplowed fields"; "unbroken land"
- marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence; "cars in an unbroken procession"; "the unbroken quiet of the afternoon"
- not broken; whole and intact; in one piece; "fortunately the other lens is unbroken"
- not subdued or trained for service or use; "unbroken colts"
- verb - undo the buckle of; "Unbuckle your seat belt"
- - 1) To take apart a collection of things that has been put together as a package or bundle.
2) To separate a company or group into its constituent parts prior to selling it.
- To release, as from a bundle; to disclose.
- verb - free or relieve (someone) of a burden
- take the burden off; remove the burden from; "unburden the donkey"
- - To force from a burrow; to unearth.