Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a series of small (usually idle) twists or turns
- manipulate, as in a nervous or unconscious manner; "He twiddled his thumbs while waiting for the interview"
- turn in a twisting or spinning motion; "The leaves swirled in the autumn wind"
- adjective - thin as a twig
- verb - branch out in a twiglike manner; "The lightning bolt twigged in several directions"
- understand, usually after some initial difficulty; "She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on"
- adjective - thin as a twig
- - Full of, or abounding in, twigs; twiggy.
- adjective - a condition of decline following successes; "in the twilight of the empire"
- lighted by or as if by twilight; "The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn"-Henry Fielding; "the twilight glow of the sky"; "a boat on a twilit river"
- the diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon but its rays are refracted by the atmosphere of the earth
- the time of day immediately following sunset; "he loved the twilight"; "they finished before the fall of night"
- verb - weave diagonal lines into (textiles)
Twin Bed
- noun - one of a pair of identical beds