Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - (card games) the act of taking a trick with a trump when unable to follow suit
- get the better of; "the goal was to best the competition"
- play a trump
- proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare
- produce a sound as if from a trumpet
- adjective - Abridge
- approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one; "truncate a series"
- make shorter as if by cutting off; "truncate a word"; "Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains"
- replace a corner by a plane
- terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off; "a truncate leaf"; "truncated volcanic mountains"; "a truncated pyramid"
- verb - move heavily; "the streetcar trundled down the avenue"
- unknown - A bowler who bowls slowly
- noun - a low bed to be slid under a higher bed
- move heavily; "the streetcar trundled down the avenue"
- small wheel or roller
- - As much as a trunk will hold; enough to fill a trunk.
- noun - a wooden peg that is used to fasten timbers in shipbuilding; water causes the peg to swell and hold the timbers fast
- - A cylindrical projection on each side of a piece, whether gun, mortar, or howitzer, serving to support it on the cheeks of the carriage. See Illust. of Cannon.
- verb - secure with or as if with ropes; "tie down the prisoners"; "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed"
- support structurally; "truss the roofs"; "trussed bridges"
- tie the wings and legs of a bird before cooking it
- noun - a person (or institution) to whom legal title to property is entrusted to use for another's benefit
- Administrators of an estate
- members of a governing board