Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - To reply, as a plaintiff to a defendant's rebutter.
- noun - envelop completely; "smother the meat in gravy"
- extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
- surround so as to force to give up; "The Turks besieged Vienna"
- surround with a wall in order to fortify
- the area in which something exists or lives; "the country--the flat agricultural surround"
- - One of the terminal branches or divisions of the beam of the antler of the stag or other large deer.
- - The fifth power of a number; as, a is the sursolid of a, or 32 that of 2.
- noun - an additional tax on certain kinds of income that has already been taxed
- levy an extra tax on; "surtax luxury items that cost more than $1,000"
- noun - translation of the words of a foreign opera (or choral work) projected on a screen above the stage
- noun - a man's overcoat in the style of a frock coat
- - See Bush master, under Bush.
- verb - keep under surveillance; "The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing"