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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the act of sucking
  1. verb - a young mammal that has not been weaned
  2. an infant considered in relation to its nurse
  3. English poet and courtier (1609-1642)
  4. feeding an infant by giving suck at the breast
  5. give suck to; "The wetnurse suckled the infant"; "You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"
  6. suck milk from the mother's breasts; "the infant was suckling happily"
  1. noun - an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose
  1. noun - a complex carbohydrate found in many plants and used as a sweetening agent
  1. noun - a force over an area produced by a pressure difference
  2. empty or clean (a body cavity) by the force of suction; "suction the uterus in an abortion"
  3. remove or draw away by the force of suction; "the doctors had to suction the water from the patient's lungs"
  4. the act of sucking
  1. - An order of Infusoria having the body armed with somewhat stiff, tubular processes which they use as suckers in obtaining their food. They are usually stalked.
  1. - Minute vesicles surrounded by an area of reddened skin, produced by excessive sweating.
  1. adjective - a native or inhabitant of Sudan
  2. of or relating to or characteristic of the African Republic of the Sudan or its people; "the Sudanese desert"
  1. - The handkerchief upon which the Savior is said to have impressed his own portrait miraculously, when wiping his face with it, as he passed to the crucifixion.
  1. verb - excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; "Exercise makes one sweat"