Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A person employed by an agent to transact the whole, or a part, of the business intrusted to the latter.
- - A viceroy; a governor of a subah; also, a native captain in the British native army.
- noun - the lowest molding of an architectural base or of a baseboard
- noun - working as a substitute for someone who is ill or on leave of absence
- - A race or strain differing in certain characters from the parent breed; an incipient breed.
- noun - (biology) a taxonomic category below a class and above an order
- unknown - A military depot that operates under the jurisdiction of another depot and usually performs only specified depot functions
- A subsidiary storage area or building.
- noun - someone who overcomes and establishes ascendancy and control by force or persuasion
- verb - correct by punishment or discipline
- get on top of; deal with successfully; "He overcame his shyness"
- hold within limits and control; "subdue one's appetites"; "mortify the flesh"
- make subordinate, dependent, or subservient; "Our wishes have to be subordinated to that of our ruler"
- put down by force or intimidation; "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"; "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"; "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land"
- to put down by force or authority; "suppress a nascent uprising"; "stamp down on littering"; "conquer one's desires"