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Matching Words

31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - type genus of the family Strombidae
  1. adjective - being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content; "hard liquor"
  2. freshly made or left; "a warm trail"; "the scent is warm"
  3. having a strong physiological or chemical effect; "a potent toxin"; "potent liquor"; "a potent cup of tea", "a stiff drink"
  4. having or wielding force or authority; "providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons"
  5. having strength or power greater than average or expected; "a strong radio signal"; "strong medicine"; "a strong man"
  6. immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with; "an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection"
  7. not faint or feeble; "a strong odor of burning rubber"
  8. of good quality and condition; solidly built; "a solid foundation"; "several substantial timber buildings"
  9. of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection; "`sing' is a strong verb"
  10. strong and sure;
  1. adverb - in a powerful manner; "the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist"
  2. with strength or in a strong manner; "argues very strongly for his proposal"; "he was strongly opposed to the government"
  1. noun - a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group; turns yellow in air; occurs in celestite and strontianite
  1. - Of or pertaining to strontium; containing, or designating the compounds of, strontium.
  1. noun - one section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama
  1. - Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, strophes.
  1. verb - sharpen on a strop; "strop razors"
  1. - p. p. of Strike.
  1. noun - thin sheet of filled dough rolled and baked