Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management
  2. an attendant on an airplane
  3. one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals
  4. racecourse officials
  5. someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else
  6. the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements
  1. noun - an extreme state of worry and agitation; "his stewing over the fight kept him awake most of the night"
  2. cooking in a liquid that has been brought to a boil
  1. noun - a saucepan used for stewing
  1. - Stubborn.
  1. - Antimonious.
  1. noun - a soft grey mineral; the chief ore of antimony
  1. - An instrument consisting of small bars of wood, flat at the bottom and rounded at the top, and resting on the edges of a kind of open box. They are unequal in size, gradually increasing from the smallest to the largest, and are tuned to the diatonic scale. The tones are produced by striking the pieces of wood with hard balls attached to flexible sticks.
Stick By
  1. verb - be loyal to; "She stood by her husband in times of trouble"; "The friends stuck together through the war"
Stick In
  1. verb - insert casually; "She slipped in a reference to her own work"
  2. introduce; "Insert your ticket here"
Stick On
  1. verb - apply a heavy coat to
  2. attach to; "affix the seal here"