Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Bee Balm
- noun - bushy perennial Old World mint having small white or yellowish flowers and fragrant lemon-flavored leaves; a garden escapee in northern Europe and North America
- perennial aromatic herb of eastern North America having variously colored tubular flowers in dense showy heads
- perennial herb of North America
Bee Hive
- unknown - place where bees are keept
Bee Line
- - The shortest line from one place to another, like that of a bee to its hive when loaded with honey; an air line.
Bee Moth
- noun - moth whose larvae live in and feed on bee honeycombs
- noun - bushy perennial Old World mint having small white or yellowish flowers and fragrant lemon-flavored leaves; a garden escapee in northern Europe and North America
- perennial aromatic herb of eastern North America having variously colored tubular flowers in dense showy heads
- perennial herb of North America
- noun - a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae
- noun - small sweet triangular nut of any of various beech trees
Beef Man
- noun - a man who raises (or tends) cattle
Beef Tea
- noun - an extract of beef (given to people who are ill)
- noun - hardy breed of cattle resulting from crossing domestic cattle with the American buffalo; yields leaner beef than conventional breeds