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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - explore natural caves
  1. unknown - Short fitted coats Barques
  2. large gaff sails used abaft a square-rigged foremast or abaft the mainmast of a ship or bark.
  1. noun - Dale Spender (born 22 September 1943) is an Australian feminist scholar, teacher, writer and consultant. In 1983, Dale Spender was co-founder of and editorial advisor to Pandora Press, the first of the feminist imprints devoted solely to non-fiction.
  2. English poet and critic (1909-1995)
  3. someone who spends money prodigally
  4. someone who spends money to purchase goods or services
  1. verb - money paid out; an amount spent
  2. pass time in a specific way; "how are you spending your summer vacation?"
  3. pay out; "spend money"
  4. spend completely; "I spend my pocket money in two days"
  5. the act of spending or disbursing money
  1. noun - German philosopher who argued that cultures grow and decay in cycles (1880-1936)
  1. - Within the range of hpe; proper to be hoped for.
  1. noun - small genus of Old World annual herbs: corn spurry
  1. - A smelt; a sparling. [Prov. Eng.] (b) A young herring.
  1. - An organ in which spermatozoa are developed; a sperm gland; a testicle.
  1. - The theory, formerly held by many, that the sperm or spermatozoon contains the germ of the future embryo; animalculism.