Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Sea Term
- - A term used specifically by seamen; a nautical word or phrase.
Sea Toad
- - A sculpin. (b) A toadfish. (c) The angler.
Sea Turn
- - A breeze, gale, or mist from the sea.
Sea Wall
- - A wall, or embankment, to resist encroachments of the sea.
Sea Whip
- - A gorgonian having a simple stem.
Sea Wing
- - A wing shell (Avicula).
Sea Wolf
- noun - predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin; common in cold seas
- - Born of the sea; produced by the sea.
- noun - naval service aboard a ship at sea
- - A long, rolling swell of the sea.