Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Red Gram
- noun - tropical woody herb with showy yellow flowers and flat pods; much cultivated in the tropics
Red Heat
- noun - the heat of fire
- the heat or the color of fire
Red Lead
- noun - a reddish oxide of lead (Pb3O4) used as a pigment in paints and in glass and ceramics
Red Line
- noun - a line that is colored red and that bisects an ice hockey rink
Red Meat
- noun - meat that is dark in color before cooking (as beef, venison, lamb, mutton)
Red Pine
- noun - pine of eastern North America having long needles in bunches of two and reddish bark
- tall New Zealand timber tree
Red Poll
- noun - hornless short-haired breed of beef and dairy cattle
Red Tape
- noun - needlessly time-consuming procedure
Red Tide
- noun - seawater that is discolored by large numbers of certain dinoflagellates that produce saxitoxin
Red Wine
- noun - wine having a red color derived from skins of dark-colored grapes