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31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a literary or scientific association for the promotion of learning
  2. a place where reading materials are available
  1. adjective - a resident of Athens
  2. of or relating to or characteristic of Athens or its inhabitants
  1. - A small marine fish of the family Atherinid, having a silvery stripe along the sides. The European species (Atherina presbyter) is used as food. The American species (Menidia notata) is called silversides and sand smelt. See Silversides.
  1. - Shaped like an ear of grain.
  1. noun - a fatty deposit in the intima (inner lining) of an artery; can obstruct blood flow
  1. - To set aside or reject as spurious, as by marking with an obelus.
  1. noun - a person trained to compete in sports
  1. adjective - having a sturdy and well proportioned body; "an athletic build"
  2. relating to or befitting athletics or athletes; "athletic facilities"
  3. vigorously active; "an acrobatic dance"; "an athletic child"; "athletic playing"; "gymnastic exercises"
  1. noun - a simple type of jet engine; must be launched at high speed
  1. noun - temperate and tropical lady ferns; in some classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or in the genus Asplenium