Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - any disease of domestic animals that resembles a plague
- - A glucoside found in the flowers of a plant (Murraya exotica) of South Asia, and extracted as a white amorphous slightly bitter substance.
- - One of several species of sea birds of the genera Synthliboramphus and Brachyramphus, inhabiting the North Pacific. They are closely related to the murres.
- - Made of the stone or material called by the Romans murrha; -- applied to certain costly vases of great beauty and delicacy used by the luxurious in Rome as wine cups; as, murrhine vases, cups, vessels.
Mus Rose
- noun - erect Old World perennial with faintly musk-scented foliage and white or pink flowers; adventive in United States
- noun - treelike tropical Asian herbs
- noun - wine from muscat grapes
- noun - dry white wine from the Loire valley in France
- white grape grown especially in the valley the Loire in France
- - An old name for mosses in the widest sense, including the true mosses and also hepaticae and sphagna.
- - A solid crystalline substance, C5H13NO2, found in the toadstool (Agaricus muscarius), and in putrid fish. It is a typical ptomaine, and a violent poison.