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31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a fibrous amphibole; used for making fireproof articles; inhaling fibers can cause asbestosis or lung cancer
  2. Dangerous building material
  1. noun - type genus of the Ascaphidae; in some classifications included in the family Leiopelmatidae
  1. verb - appear to be moving upward, as by means of tendrils; "the vine climbed up the side of the house"
  2. become king or queen; "She ascended to the throne after the King's death"
  3. come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends"
  4. go along towards (a river's) source; "The boat ascended the Delaware"
  5. go back in order of genealogical succession; "Inheritance may not ascend linearly"
  6. move to a better position in life or to a better job; "She ascended from a life of poverty to one of great
  7. slope upwards; "The path ascended to the top of the hill"
  8. to climb
  9. travel up, "We ascended the mountain"; "go up a ladder"; "The mountaineers slowly ascended the steep slope"
  1. noun - (printing) the part of tall lowercase letters that extends above the other lowercase letters
  2. a lowercase letter that has a part extending above other lowercase letters
  3. An ascender is a mechanical device used for ascending on a rope.
  4. someone who ascends
  1. noun - someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
  1. noun - minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves
  1. - A pitcher-shaped, or flask-shaped, organ or appendage of a plant, as the leaves of the pitcher plant, or the little bladderlike traps of the bladderwort (Utricularia).
  1. noun - mature fruiting body of an ascomycetous fungus
  1. unknown - A type of acid
  1. verb - attribute or credit to; "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"; "People impute great cleverness to cats"