Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Pertaining to, or resembling, pearl; pearly.
- noun - a glyceryl ester of margaric acid
- a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter
- noun - a grunt with a red mouth that is found from Florida to Brazil
- adjective - at or constituting a border or edge; "the marginal strip of beach"
- just barely adequate or within a lower limit; "a bare majority"; "a marginal victory"
- of questionable or minimal quality; "borderline grades"; "marginal writing ability"
- producing at a rate that barely covers production costs; "marginal industries"
- noun - large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies; trunk exudes a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia
- noun - a German nobleman ranking above a count (corresponding in rank to a British marquess)
- the military governor of a frontier province in medieval Germany
- noun - a group of street musicians in Mexico
- noun - a chain of coral and volcanic islands in Micronesia (including Guam and the Northern Marianas) halfway between New Guinea and Japan; discovered by Magellan in 1521