Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Make Hay
- verb - turn to one''s advantage; "The environmentalist lobby made hay of the nuclear plant accident"
- turn to one's advantage; "The environmentalist lobby made hay of the nuclear plant accident"
Make Off
- verb - run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe"
Make Out
- verb - come to terms or deal successfully with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
- come to terms with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
- comprehend; "I cannot make out what this politician is saying"
- detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I can''t make out the faces in this photograph"
- detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I can't make out the faces in this photograph"
- have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
- imply or suggest; "Your remarks make me out to be stupid"
- kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; "
- kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; "The couple were necking
Make Way
- verb - get out of the way; "make way for the President''s motorcade"
- get out of the way; "make way for the President's motorcade"
- - One who excites contentions and quarrels.
- noun - a complete reconstruction and renovation of something; "the blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover"
- an overall beauty treatment (involving a person's hair style and cosmetics and clothing) intended to change or improve a person's appearance
- noun - graceful deciduous shrub or small tree having attractive foliage and small red berries that turn black at maturity and are used for making wine
- noun - a cane made from the stem of a rattan palm
- stem of the rattan palm used for making canes and umbrella handles
- noun - any unwholesome or desperate condition; "what maladies afflict our nation?"
- illness
- impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism