Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A prefix meaning pertaining to, produced by, or in some way connected with, magnetism.
- noun - a unit of magnetic moment of a molecular or atomic or subatomic particle
- noun - a small dynamo with a secondary winding that produces a high voltage enabling a spark to jump between the poles of a spark plug in a gasoline engine
- unknown - A saloon car produced by the MG firm in the 1950s
- noun - any shrub or tree of the genus Magnolia; valued for their longevity and exquisite fragrant blooms
- dried bark of various magnolias; used in folk medicine
- noun - Belgian surrealist painter (1898-1967)
- unknown - Abel, a character in Dickens’ Great Expectations
- noun - erect forest tree of Cuba and Jamaica having variably hairy leaves and orange-yellow or orange-red flowers; yields a moderately dense timber for cabinetwork and gunstocks
- shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores; yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk; often cultivated for ornament
- noun - a great raja; a Hindu prince or king in India ranking above a raja
- noun - a great rani; a princess in India or the wife of a maharaja