Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Any one of several species of parasitic nematoid worms which infest the lungs and air passages of cattle, sheep, and other animals, often proving fatal. The lungworm of cattle (Strongylus micrurus) and that of sheep (Strongylus filaria) are the best known.
- - An herb of the genus Pulmonaria (Pulmonaria officinalis), of Europe; -- so called because the spotted appearance of the leaves resembles that of a diseased lung. (b) Any plant of the genus Mertensia (esp. Mertensia Virginica and Mertensia Sibirica), plants nearly related to Pulmonaria. The American lungwort is Mertensia Virginica, Virginia cowslip.
- - Resembling the moon in shape.
- noun - a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence
- - Any bryozoan of the genus Lunulites, having a more or less circular form.
- - Of or pertaining to the Lupercalia.
- - An alkaloid found in several species of lupine (Lupinus luteus, Lupinus albus, etc.), and extracted as a bitter crystalline substance, having a formula C10H19NO. Called also l-lupinine
- - An alkaloid extracted from hops as a colorless volatile liquid.
- noun - a cross-bred dog, typically a retriever, collie, or sheepdog crossed with a greyhound, of a kind originally used for hunting and by poachers for catching rabbits
- someone waiting in concealment