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31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - having or being distinguished by diminutive size.
  1. adjective - of or relating to a coastal or shore region
  2. the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean
  1. - A smooth kind of cartridge paper used for making cards.
  1. - Having indistinct spots, paler at their margins.
  1. unknown - 1. Of, relating to, or in accordance with liturgy: a book of liturgical forms. 2. Using or used in liturgy.
Live Oak
  1. noun - any of several American evergreen oaks
Live Out
  1. verb - live out one''s life; live to the end
  2. live out one's life; live to the end
  3. work in a house where one does not live; "our cook lives out; he can easily commute from his home"
  1. adjective - fit or suitable to live in or with; "livable conditions"
  1. adjective - (of newborn infant) showing signs of life after birth; not stillborn; "a liveborn baby"
  1. - having residents; as, a house with a lived-in look.