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31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a long and mournful complaint; "a jeremiad against any form of government"
  1. noun - (Old Testament) an Israelite prophet who is remembered for his angry lamentations (jeremiads) about the wickedness of his people (circa 626-587 BC)
  2. a book in the Old Testament containing the oracles of the prophet Jeremiah
Jerk Off
  1. verb - get sexual gratification through self-stimulation
  1. noun - terms of abuse for a masturbator
  1. adjective - having or revealing stupidity; "ridiculous anserine behavior"; "a dopey answer"; "a dopey kid"; "some fool idea about rewriting authors' books"
  2. lacking a steady rhythm; "an arrhythmic heartbeat"
  3. marked by abrupt transitions; "choppy prose"
  1. noun - an abrupt spasmodic movement
  1. noun - (Old Testament) first king of the northern kingdom of Israel who led Israel into sin (10th century BC)
  2. a large wine bottle (holds 4/5 of a gallon)
  1. - The searching of a ship for unentered goods.
  1. unknown - A pressed steel container for carrying petrol
  2. robust fuel container originally made from pressed steel
  1. unknown - A flat sided can used for storing or transporting liquids.