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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Turning or facing inward, or toward the axis of the part to which it belongs.
  1. verb - enter uninvited; "They intruded on our dinner party"; "She irrupted into our sitting room"
  2. enter unlawfully on someone's property; "Don't trespass on my land!"
  3. search or inquire in a meddlesome way; "This guy is always nosing around the office"
  4. thrust oneself in as if by force; "The colors don't intrude on the viewer"
  1. noun - someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission
  1. verb - enter uninvited; "They intruded on our dinner party"; "She irrupted into our sitting room"
  2. enter unlawfully on someone's property; "Don't trespass on my land!"
  3. search or inquire in a meddlesome way; "This guy is always nosing around the office"
  4. thrust oneself in as if by force; "The colors don't intrude on the viewer"
  1. verb - confer a trust upon; "The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret"; "I commit my soul to God"
  1. verb - introduce a cannula or tube into; "Cannulate the blood vessel in the neck"
  1. verb - know or grasp by intuition or feeling
  1. verb - administer an oil or ointment to ; often in a religious ceremony of blessing
  1. - Overflowing.
  1. verb - deluge, overrun
  2. fill or cover completely, usually with water
  3. fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"
  4. To Swamp, to saturate, to overwhelm.