Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Incapable of falling or erring; infalliable.
- noun - the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
- adjective - expressing or preceding an inference; "`therefore' is an illative word"
- relating to or having the nature of illation or inference; "the illative faculty of the mind"
- resembling or dependent on or arrived at by inference; "an illative conclusion"; "inferential reasoning"
- - Not injurious; harmless.
- noun - anise trees: evergreen trees with aromatic leaves
- noun - a mountain peak in the Andes in Bolivia (21,201 feet high)
- noun - a member of the Algonquian people formerly of Illinois and regions to the west
- a midwestern state in north-central United States
- the Algonquian language of the Illinois and Miami
- unknown - not readily convertible into cash
- That what cannot quickly and easily be converted in to cash, such as real estate