Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Haul Off
- verb - take away by means of a vehicle; "They carted off the old furniture"
- noun - the act of drawing or hauling something; "the haul up the hill went very slowly"
- noun - a haulage contractor
- noun - the activity of transporting goods by truck
- noun - the hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings
- the loin and leg of a quadruped
- verb - be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place; "She haunts the ballet"
- continually recurring to the mind; "haunting memories"; "the cathedral organ and the distant voices have a haunting beauty"- Claudia Cassidy
- follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to; "her ex-boyfriend stalked her"; "the ghost of her mother haunted her"
- haunt like a ghost; pursue; "Fear of illness haunts her"
- having a deeply disquieting or disturbing effect; "from two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration"-Charles Lee
- - In pale, with the head in chief; -- said of the figure of a fish, as if rising for air.
- unknown - german housewife
- noun - a slender double-reed instrument; a woodwind with a conical bore and a double-reed mouthpiece