Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Guy Rope
  1. noun - a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something (especially a tent)
  2. a rope or cable that is used to brace something (especially a tent)
Guy Wire
  1. noun - a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something (especially a tent)
  1. adjective - a native or inhabitant of Guyana
  2. of or relating to or characteristic of Guyana or its inhabitants; "the Guyanese capital"
  1. noun - a drinker who swallows large amounts greedily
  2. someone who drinks heavily (especially alcoholic beverages); "he's a beer guzzler every night"
  1. verb - drink greedily or as if with great thirst; "The boys guzzled the cheap vodka"
  2. the drinking of large mouthfuls rapidly
Gym Shoe
  1. noun - a canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole
Gym Suit
  1. noun - clothes prescribed for wear while participating in gymnastic exercise
  1. noun - a meet at which riders and horses display a range of skills and aptitudes
  1. noun - a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12
  2. athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training
  1. noun - an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics