Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level; "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children"
- (electronics) the production of (semiconductor) crystals by slow crystallization from the molten state
- noun - a small iceberg or ice floe just large enough to be hazardous for shipping
- a speaker whose voice sounds like a growl
- verb - a gruff or angry utterance (suggestive of the growling of an animal)
- the sound of growling (as made by animals)
- to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds; "he grumbled a rude response"; "Stones grumbled down the cliff"
- noun - a fully developed person from maturity onward
Grub Out
- verb - dig up; "grub up roots and tree stumps"
- of roots and tree stumps, for example
- adjective - infested with grubs
- thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot; "a miner's begrimed face"; "dingy linen"; "grimy hands"; "grubby little fingers"; "a grungy kitchen"
- noun - small sculpin of the coast of New England
- adverb - in a dingy manner
- verb - ask for and get free; be a parasite
- search about busily