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31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - remove adhering flesh from (hides) when preparing leather manufacture
  1. - A pot or vessel in which flesh is cooked.
  1. noun - maker of arrows
  2. prolific English dramatist who collaborated with Francis Beaumont and many other dramatists (1579-1625)
  1. noun - muscle relaxant (trade name Flexeril) used for muscle spasms or acute injury
  1. adjective - able to adjust readily to different conditions; "an adaptable person"; "a flexible personality"; "an elastic clause in a contract"
  2. able to flex; able to bend easily; "slim flexible birches"
  3. bending and snapping back readily without breaking
  4. capable of being changed; "flexible schedules"
  5. making or willing to make concessions; "loneliness tore through him...whenever he thought of...even the compromising Louis du Tillet"
  1. adverb - with flexibility; "`Come whenever you are free,' he said flexibly"
  1. noun - act of bending a joint; especially a joint between the bones of a limb so that the angle between them is decreased
  2. deviation from a straight or normal course
  3. the state of being flexed (as of a joint)
  1. - Flexuous.
  1. adjective - having turns or windings; "the flexuous bed of the stream"
  1. - Of, pertaining to, or resulting from, flexure; of the nature of, or characterized by, flexure; as, flexural elasticity.