Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The manner characteristic of a child.
- - The state or relation of being a child.
Chile Nut
- noun - Chilean shrub bearing coral-red fruit with an edible seed resembling a hazelnut
Chili Dog
- noun - a hotdog with chili con carne on it
- - A plane figure of a thousand angles and sides.
- - The commander or chief of a thousand men.
- noun - belief in the Christian doctrine of the millennium mentioned in the Book of Revelations
- noun - a person who believes in the coming of the millennium (a time of great peace and prosperity)
Chill Out
- verb - become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation; "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again."
- unknown - Relaxed, not wound up
- Simple past tense and past participle of chillax