Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Butea Gum
- noun - dried juice of the dhak tree; used as an astringent
- adjective - any hawk of the genus Buteo
- relating to or resembling a hawk of the genus Buteo
- unknown - Zulu leader, chief ministerof the KwaZulu territory of South Africa from 1970 until its abolition in 1994
- - A duty of two shillings on every tun of wine imported into England by merchant strangers; -- so called because paid to the king's butler for the king.
Butt Pack
- noun - a waist pack worn with the pouch in back
Butt Weld
- noun - a butt joint that is welded
- noun - a butt joint that is welded
- join by a butt weld
Butter Up
- verb - flatter with the intention of getting something
- noun - small Eurasian herb having broad leaves and lilac-pink rayless flowers; found in moist areas
- noun - any of various plants of the genus Ranunculus