Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The quality of being bonny; gayety; handsomeness.
Bony Fish
- noun -
- any fish of the class Osteichthyes
Boob Tube
- noun - a receiver that displays television images; "the British call a tv set a telly"
- an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen; "the British call a tv set a telly"
- noun - class consisting of all those who are considered boobs
- noun - an imaginary monster used to frighten children
- noun - an imaginary monster used to frighten children
Book Fair
- noun - bazaar at which books are sold or auctioned off in order to raise funds for a worthy cause
- fair organized by publishers or booksellers to promote the sale of books
Book Lung
- noun - organ in many arachnids containing many thin folds of membrane resembling the leaves of a book
- noun - a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books