Matching Words
33395 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - trinkets and other ornaments of dress collectively
- - A quantity consisting of three terms, connected by the sign + or -; as, x + y + z, or ax + 2b - c2.
- - An aspect of two planets with regard to the earth when they are three octants, or three eighths of a circle, that is, 135 degrees, distant from each other.
- noun - a naturally occurring glyceride of oleic acid that is found in fats and oils
- noun - a family of Notostraca
- noun - genus of Asiatic and North American herbs: feverroot
- noun - an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen in the molecule
Trip Line
- noun - a light rope used in lumbering to free a dog hook from a log at a distance
Trip Wire
- noun - a small military force that serves as a first line of defense; if they become engaged in hostilities it will trigger the intervention of stronger military forces
- a wire stretched close to the ground that activates something (a trap or camera or weapon) when tripped over
- - The three divisions, or pitakas), of buddhist scriptures, -- the Vinayapitaka [Skr. Vinayapi] , or Basket of Discipline; Suttapitaka [Pali] , or Basket of Discourses; and Abhidhammapitaka [Pali] , or Basket of Metaphysics.