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33398 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the semantic role of the noun phrase that designates the time of the state or action denoted by the verb
  1. adjective - a worker (especially in an office) hired on a temporary basis
  2. lacking continuity or regularity; "an irregular worker"; "employed on a temporary basis"
  3. not permanent; not lasting; "politics is an impermanent factor of life"- James Thurber; "impermanent palm cottages"; "a temperary arrangement"; "temporary housing"
  1. verb - draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time; "The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote"
  1. - A temporizer.
  1. verb - draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time; "The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote"
  1. adjective - susceptible to temptation
  1. noun - a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
  1. - Intoxication; inebriation; drunkenness.
  1. adjective - having ten sides
  1. adjective - good at remembering; "a retentive mind"; "tenacious memory"
  2. persevering, persistent, pertinacious, determined, dogged, single-minded, strong-willed, tireless, indefatigable, resolute, patient, purposeful, diligent, assiduous, sedulous, unflagging, staunch, steadfast, untiring, unwavering, unswerving
  3. sticking together; "two coherent sheets"; "tenacious burrs"
  4. stubbornly unyielding; "dogged persistence"; "dour determination"; "the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics"; "a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it"- T.S.Eliot; "men tenacious of opinion"