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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - plural of substratum 1. a. An underlying layer. b. A layer of earth beneath the surface soil; subsoil. 2. A foundation or groundwork. 3. The material on which another material is coated or fabricated.
  1. noun - a surface on which an organism grows or is attached; "the gardener talked about the proper substrate for acid-loving plants"
  2. an indigenous language that contributes features to the language of an invading people who impose their language on the indigenous population; "the Celtic languages of Britain are a substrate for English"
  3. any stratum or layer lying underneath another
  4. the substance that is acted upon by an enzyme or ferment
  1. noun - a string that is part of a longer string
  1. - To build beneath something; to lay as the foundation.
  1. - Pertaining to the substyle.
  1. - A starting, twitching, or convulsive motion.
  1. verb - consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle
  2. contain or include; "This new system subsumes the old one"
  1. noun - a system that is part of some larger system
  1. - One who rents a tenement, or land, etc., of one who is also a tenant; an undertenant.
  1. verb - be opposite to; of angles and sides, in geometry